Why You Should Never Use the Kettle in Your Hotel Room

May 16, 2021
An old, white plastic electric water kettle on a wooden bench
An old electric water kettle. Photo: Santeri Viinamäki (CC BY-SA 4.0) via Wikimedia Commons.

You might have heard the story about a woman who washed her underwear by cooking them in her hotel room kettle, or rumors that some men supposedly use the kettle to urinate in.

True or not, something that a lot of people actually put in their hotel room kettles is food. Do you want to boil your tea water in the same kettle that was used to heat smoky sausages the night before?

Over at Coohl.com, we’ve found 5 reasons you should never use the kettle in your hotel room (or you can use it as guide on how to cook food in your hotel room).

